Salmon season 2025 Kerry opening day.
Well after a bit of juggling and a favour from a good friend I was able to make the yearly pilgrimage to kerry for the start of the 2025 salmon fishing season. We started late as I really didn't care about being there for first light but just being there for the day itself. We didn't have any grand expectations to catch the elusive first fish but to enjoy the day, area, wildlife etc.
The weather was great, sunny mild even warm with blue skies. The water was crystal clear, 2.1m on the gauge and dropping, with very little snow on the mountains so possibly going to drop away fast unless we get some heavy rain over the weekend. We started on beat 1 spinning it for about a couple of hours not meeting anything but there had been a few kelts taken by anglers earlier on worm. While fishing below beat 1 I got a hard pull but that was all. There were about 20 anglers in total between beat 1 & 2 and when leaving we didn't hear of any fresh salmon seen or caught.
We moved down and fished beat 2 with spinner and fly but alas nothing to show for our perseverance, I did however see a nice kelt pitch which was nice to see that there was something about. Meeting up with some anglers they said that they'd seen a seal near the laune Bridge beat 1 & 2, so if he's up that far there might not be much in the harbour. It was a nice day to actually go fishing mild and definitely around 12 degrees but in the evening that wind was picking up and definitely dropped the temperature back down. Talking to the fishery officers we were informed that it was definitely a good spawning year so at least things might improve over the coming years. All in all a really nice day to be out in the fresh air and wetting a line even got the cobwebs out of my skagit casting. Old saying "do what you can do today because you might be regretting not being able to do it tomorrow". Pictures of the river eetc below. If you want to see more posts follow and like.